The Power
Of Health Is Back In Your Hands.

Unlock your path to optimal health with our Epigenetic Hair Mapping Report. Through a simple hair analysis, we reveal the underlying causes affecting your well-being. Partner with our in-house practitioners for tailored recommendations to enhance your health and vitality.

Our Story

Being told at age fifty my life expectancy was as little as 6 weeks, I set out to discover why some people heal and others don’t. Over the years it has become clear that what we have been led to believe is not always the truth, especially when it comes to comments such as “We are our genes.” The truth is, that from a health point of view, genes only play a part in 8% of our outcome. I had a history of strong genes, but that had little effect on preventing my conditions.

What I do know now is that healing is easier to accomplish than most people realise. It then seemed I was spending my life repeating myself so I the wrote the book, Have You Got The Guts To Be Really Healthy. It was written from my notes as I learnt it, not as I know today. So the reader will be introduced to the information at the same rate I was, making it simple and understandable.

From over 25 years of research and observations I have learnt that these days everyone has a condition they would prefer not to have—and like myself all those years ago—have created ways for others not to know how just how unwell they are.

Our Epigenetic Hair Mapping Services

Order online from the convenience of home.

Order Online
or Call Us

Choose your Report kind and place your order online. If you need assistance choosing which Report is right for you, please call our friendly team.

Post Your
Hair Sample

Time to get plucking! We require just a few strands of hair from the back of your neck, which is posted back along with your completed questionnaire in our x-ray proof envelope.

Wellness Report
Sent by Email

Your personalised Wellness Report outlines all factors found in your Hair Mapping. Your primary and secondary indicators are highlighted so you know what to action.

Action Plan

Our inhouse Practitioner provides an overview of your results, including lifestyle, dietary and supplementation recommendations to address your primary and secondary indicators.

Your health could be blocked by an interference such as ...

  • Electromagnetic Frequencies
  • Heavy Metals
  • Chemical Toxins
  • Radiation
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Nutritional Imbalances
  • Hidden Mould
  • Intestinal Stressors
  • Emotions
  • Sleep Imperfections
  • Parasites

The Epigenetic Hair Mapping service covers 9 key indicators.

Microbiology Resistance indicators includes mould spores, fungus, parasites and virus in review of your body’s natural defence.


Your Report will detail suggested Foods to restrict for 90 days to allow your digestive system to reduce energy use. A number of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Antioxidants and Essential Fatty Acids are also covered.


Environmental challenges may include chemical, hydrocarbon, toxic metals, electro sensitivity or radiation exposure. Frequency Interference looks at modern forms of frequencies on the body, such as EMFs and ELFs.

Have You Got The Guts To Be REALLY Healthy?

Download Don Chisholm's best selling book FOR FREE! Simply fill out the form below to download! 

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Epigenetic Hair Mapping FAQ'S

Why a Hair Mapping?Most people have a condition they would prefer not to have. Our Epigenetic Hair mapping report will help you get to the bottom of why you are not living at your optimal health. If you book a consultation with our inhouse Practitioner, they will go through the results with you and with the Practitioner’s recommendations, supporting you to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

How does it work?Pluck some hairs from the nape of your neck and return them in the black x-ray proof bag that we send you as part of your kit. Once we have received your hair sample, we will process the report and send through your results by email. If you have booked a consultation with our Practitioner, please contact us to arrange the best time to go over your Hair Mapping results.

When do I get my results?Once we receive your hair sample we will process your report within 72 hours.

Which Report should I buy?For most people the Immunity & Wellbeing Report would be the preferred option. If you are living a vegan or plant-based lifestyle, the Vegan Report will work best for you. If you are looking to improve in sport or fitness training, then the Sports & Fitness Report will be the best fit.

What happens next?Once you have received your results and have had your consultation, we recommend to implement the changes laid out in your report for 90 days. After 90 days you can check in with yourself the improvements or even have another Hair Mapping to see how you are tracking.

How do I get help understanding my Report?If you would like help understanding your report please book in a consultation with our inhouse Practitioner—they will go over everything in the report with you, explain what it means and give you recommendations.

Ready To Uncover The Insights Of Your DNA?

Contact Us below and one of our staff will reach out to book you in for a consultation with one our practicioners!

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