Health, Lifestyle & Home

Are you reliant on coffee & is that affecting your health? ☕

The good & bad news about coffee! The good news is the ingredients in coffee are actually beneficial to your health. The bad news is that caffeine is not good for your health & in many cases can be detrimental to your health. What is there was a coffee with the real coffee flavour but without the negative affects of caffeine. After many years of research a coffee maker has found a way to create that beautiful taste of coffee without the negative affects of caffeine….

We have found the solution to your coffee addiction with Freecaf™ Coffee. Full Flavoured, Organic, Caffeine Free Coffee! To help you Kick the habit but still enjoy & embrace the ritual!

Freecaf is the next generation of caffeine-free coffee, crafted especially for people who adore the ritual of coffee and can no longer deal with the nasty side effects of caffeine. If you’re a coffee lover you’ve probably already encountered some of the downsides to regular coffee and you know that decaf coffee is usually FULL of chemicals and tastes… well…. disappointing.

Freecaf™ Coffee are taking the health industry by storm and can guarantee Freecaf coffee is completely free from caffeine, chemicals and other nasties that are known to give us the jitters, depression, anxiety, adrenal fatigue and to deplete vitamin B. They are proud to be making waves with their organic, caffeine free coffee that rivals the flavour and body of most of the coffees on the market. Enjoy as much as you like, without the nasty side effects….

Nasty side effects….
Caffeine, one of over 1 000 compounds found in coffee, influences our brain via our CNS by making us more alert and focused. This is the effect that most people who have coffee first thing in the morning rely on and also need. In addition, it affects our circulatory system, increasing blood pressure and heart rate; it affects our digestive system, reducing appetite and it affects our excretory system by increasing urination via its diuretic action. Coffee also stimulates bowel activity, which a lot of people miss when they give up caffeine. Caffeine influences brain function in three main ways:

Caffeine stimulates the production of dopamine, the same neurochemical that is responsible for the high you experience when you have an orgasm or use illicit, stimulating drugs, albeit with varying intensities involved. This is why caffeine is enjoyed by so many people: it stimulates the pleasure parts of our brain. It’s also why it’s so addictive, and unfortunately, over time, becomes less and less effective at producing the same high as the brain gets used to its effect and reaches ‘tolerance’. However, this isn’t the end of caffeine’s march through your CNS, because dopamine, after producing the lovely ‘high’ that allowed you to feel alert and capable, gets converted into adrenaline, which is the ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ neurochemical and is a lot less fun than dopamine. The brain is now on high alert expecting a threat to your physical survival so it shunts glucose to your muscles to allow you to fight or flee. This effect is what helps you to feel so focused and alert – after all, you’d need to be if a tiger was chasing you! However, the CNS has evolved to experience this state of hypervigilance for no longer than about 60 seconds which means that when you expose your brain to caffeine regularly throughout the day, your brain feels ‘threatened’ too often. This is not a natural pattern of neurological functions. In addition, to be able to produce adrenalin, the body needs a variety of important nutrients, the lack of which will impact health in other ways. So, if you are drinking a lot of coffee, you are also using up a lot of nutrients required for other purposes, one of which is producing energy naturally.

The next two steps that occur in the brain when you consume caffeine are related to sleep. The first is related to a neurochemical called adenosine. Caffeine blocks the production of adenosine that normally starts being produced when you awake in the morning. Adenosine levels should naturally rise during the day because they lead to you feeling sleepy towards evening and make sleep top-of-mind. However, with caffeine’s interference this doesn’t happen and the natural buildup of adenosine doesn’t happen so falling asleep and staying asleep become challenging. Caffeine fits into the adenosine receptor site, which is what stops its production, and this also leads to a further increase in adrenaline production.

The next step related to sleep that caffeine interferes with is the production of the hormone melatonin, which is the hormone produced in the pineal gland. This is the part of the brain that is sensitive to light and dark and manages our circadian rhythm. When darkness falls, melatonin tells your brain that it’s time to go to sleep and helps you to stay asleep, allowing for deep, rejuvenating sleep. Some people can have a cup of coffee just before bedtime but they are the exception to the rule.

Coffee raises adrenaline and cortisol, a stress hormone, which is also an inflammatory compound. Research in 2004, where 3 000 participants consumed two cups of coffee per day over an almost two-year period, showed elevated levels of IL6, TNF and CRP, all inflammatory markers found in blood. In fact, they had between 28 and 50 percent higher levels of these three markers than non-coffee drinkers.

For more Freecaf coffee info listen to Dan from Freecaf’s podcast ‘The Well Being Bean’!

Check this 3 min interview with Dan the founder & creator of Freecaf caffine free coffee talking about the benefits of coffee without the downside!